Los Angeles Jewish Home's Blog
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Training Session on California Initiative

The training session was opened by the Jewish
Home's CEO-President Molly Forrest, who welcomed the attendees and spoke briefly
about the Home and the impact of healthcare reform on seniors.
Chan, staff attorney for the National Senior Citizens Law Center, provided an
overview of CCI. He reviewed the major changes brought about by the initiative,
with the major difference being the integration of Medicare and Medi-Cal
benefits into one managed care plan. "Most dual eligibles will have the option
to join Cal MediConnect, which currently is offered through five managed care
plans in Los Angeles County," he explained.
When a person with
dual eligibility receives notification that they must make a choice, they have
three options:
- Opt-in (choose a Cal MediConnect plan)
- Opt-out (choose an alternative, such as a PACE program)
- Do nothing, which means the individual will be passively enrolled into a Cal MediConnect plan as chosen by the State.
PACE, one of the alternatives to Cal MediConnect, is
currently available at the Jewish Home's Grancell Village Campus. The Brandman
Centers for Senior Care (BCSC) is a Program of All-inclusive Care for the
Elderly, or PACE. The program offers adult day healthcare, including
medical care, activities, physical therapy, meals, transportation and other
personal services to seniors who are eligible for admission to a nursing home
but have elected to remain safely in their own homes. Mari Abrams, director of
marketing for BCSC, spoke about PACE and the benefits of participation.
The training session came to an end with a lively question and answer session.
What could be a difficult and dry subject was made understandable and even
enjoyable by the speakers and their presentations.
For more
information about the Brandman Centers for Senior Care, please visit their
website at