Los Angeles Jewish Home's Blog
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Come Home for the Holidays
Beginning at sundown on Wednesday, September 24th, the High Holidays offer a
wonderful opportunity to celebrate a sweet New Year with the residents of the
Jewish Home. From attending services and enjoying "Home"-cooked meals with our
residents to sending wishes for the New Year to friends and family, the Home has
many ways for you to be a part of our celebration.
If you are wondering
where to attend services, the Home is here for you! The 1,000 men and women who
call the Los Angeles Jewish Home their home each year invite you to join them
for High Holiday services. In these "Days of Awe," there may be no more awesome
experience than to be among people who have witnessed many passages of life and
who bring a unique perspective to the celebration of the New Year.
Community services and meals for the High Holidays will be held at the
Eisenberg Village campus. Tickets are available and provide admittance to all
High Holiday worship services and the Yom Kippur "Break-the-Fast" meal. Tickets
for other holiday meals are also available. All tickets must be purchased
in advance by Wednesday, September 17, 2014.
View our High Holiday flyer for
more information. To purchase tickets, please contact Allison Tepper at (818)
774-3386 or EVRSVP@jha.org.
Planning to send your wishes for a sweet and healthy New Year to friends and
family? The Home can help you with that as well! A beautiful card featuring
Sounding the Shofar, a painting created by resident artist Louis Lampert, is
available in packets of twelve for $18. To purchase, please call 818-774-3324 or
click here to download an order form.
At the Jewish Home's Yizkor
services on Saturday, October 4th, a Memorial Booklet honoring those who have
passed away will be distributed. If you would like to include the names of your
departed loved ones, please contact volunteer coordinator Stacy Orbach at (818)
757-4442 or Stacy.Orbach@jha.org.
There is no standard contribution required — the amount you give, large or
small, is entirely at your discretion and is greatly appreciated. Submissions
will be accepted until Wednesday, September 10th.
If you're planning
your menu for festive holiday meals, let the Jewish Home help you! Visit our
website at
http://www.jha.org/resources/recipes.asp and check out our classic recipes
from our residents, such as Helen Berlin's Holiday Brisket. Begin your meal with
Chef Akasha's Matzah Ball Soup and end with delicious Holiday Honey Cake.
On behalf of the Los Angeles Jewish Home and our residents, we wish you a
healthy and happy New Year. L'Shana Tova!