Los Angeles Jewish Home's Blog

National Social Work Month

In 1965, the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) chose March as the month to annually recognize the profession of social work. This year marks the 60th anniversary of NASW and focuses on how social work paves the way for change.

“I’d like to recognize all of our Jewish Home social workers who dedicate their lives to supporting others,” said Devorah Small-Teyer, MSW, director of social services in the Home’s Joyce Eisenberg-Keefer Medical Center (JEKMC). “They provide assistance to residents and families with the intention of improving their quality of life. Our social workers assess issues related to a patient’s emotional, psychological, or physical needs and help other healthcare professionals understand these needs. Social workers make a positive difference in many lives every day.”

On behalf of the Los Angeles Jewish Home, thank you to social workers everywhere for your commitment to the welfare of others.