Los Angeles Jewish Home's Blog
Friday, July 24, 2015
Associates-IMC to Bestow Honors at Tree of Life Luncheon
With summer already here, Associates-IMC, the premier women's support group of the Jewish Home, has been busily planning for its 85th Tree of Life Luncheon to be held on Tuesday, August 18, at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Two exceptional individuals, whose commitment to the Home and Jewish community is unparalleled, will be honored: Diane Miller will receive the Zelda White "Woman of the Year" Achievement Award, and Rick Bender will be recognized with this year's Humanitarian Award.
As a prelude to the August fundraiser, a beautiful afternoon reception was recently held at the home of Earl Greinetz, one of the organization's fundraising vice presidents. Board members and friends had an opportunity to congratulate each of the honorees. After Florence Gorlin, luncheon chair, welcomed everyone and thanked the honorees for their dedication, she shared the many reasons why Diane and Rick are so deserving of their honors.
At the Jewish Home, Diane has served as president of The Associates and founded Operation Friendship, the group's foremost resident-involved program. She currently serves as Parliamentarian of the board of directors of Associates-IMC. Diane also chairs the organization's Author's Day program and the annual Installation Luncheon.
Rick has served on the board of directors of the Home since 1978 and currently serves as vice-chair of the Home's budget & finance committee. He has also served as president of The Guardians, another long-standing support group of the Jewish Home. In addition, Rick was instrumental in the formation of the Home's Marilyn & Monty Hall Statesman's Society.
The Tree of Life Luncheon will begin at 10:00 a.m. with a multi-vendor boutique and Opportunity Drawing. At noon, the doors of the Beverly Hills Ballroom will open, and guests will be invited to take their seats in the stunningly decorated venue. Following a welcome by president Madeleine Rosenberg and a Jewish Home update from CEO-President Molly Forrest, lunch will be served. Entertainment will be performed by pianist and vocalist Larry Lederman.
Honorary chairs of the event include Rabbi Ed Feinstein, Marion Goldenfeld, Sandy and Bill Goodglick, Joyce Eisenberg-Keefer & Mel Keefer, Evy Lutin, Malkah Schulweis, Edna Weiss, Drs. Hannah and Robert Wexler, and Rabbi David Wolpe.
Event chairs for the luncheon are Terri Bloomgarden, Joy Brook, Roberta Delevie, Earl Greinetz, Claire Kunin, Linda Matloff, Nancy Salka, Melinda Seltzer, Sandra Stackler, and Gloria Stoddard.
By attending the Tree of Life Luncheon and/or purchasing a tribute journal ad or sponsorship opportunity, you will be sustaining the thousands of seniors the Home serves each year through its extraordinary continuum of care.
Associates-IMC extends its gratitude to Joyce Eisenberg-Keefer and Mel Keefer for underwriting this year's luncheon.
We welcome your support and hope you will contact the Associates-IMC office at 818-774-3375 orDebbie.Fishel@jha.org for additional information.