Los Angeles Jewish Home's Blog
Thursday, August 13, 2015
The Joyce Eisenberg Keefer Medical Center Centenarian Club
We are proud to announce that 19 of our 239 residents living at the Joyce Eisenberg Keefer Medical Center at LAJH are 100 years of age or older. Six of these centenarians are 100 years of age and include Albert Weber, Vivian Toplinski, Pearl Pondel, Ben Weisel, Helen Jacobs and Rose Pomonik. Five members of the group are 101 years of age: Kate Tobias, Gertie Tennenbaum, Faye Dragon, Annette Halpern, and Dorothy Goldman. Two of the centenarians are 102: Maria Rosenstein and Michael Shiller. The four centenarians who are 103 are Ana Parker, Estelle Curtis, Frederika Frank and Morris Steinberg. Our 104 year old is Marion Stern.
The final member of the group is our 105 year old, the magnificent Edna Shankman. Edna was visited this past week by a small group of relatives who flew in from the east coast to celebrate her 105th birthday with cupcakes, kisses, flowers, and balloons! Edna was presented with three certificates from the mayor and city councilman’s representatives. She was smiling and joking with everyone, thrilled that her family was all there to celebrate her special day.
Over the years, this group of sage seniors have shared many words of wisdom with us. Here are a few of our favorites: Stay young at heart and try new things like yoga classes and tai chi and other things that improve your balance and make you stronger. Don’t worry so much, just try to live and go with the flow. Eat good food, not too much junk. Sleep and have sex. Move and exercise every day. Make friends. Keep in touch with the outside world so you don’t get lonely. Remember to laugh and don’t take yourself too seriously. Learn how to use the internet! And last but not least, believe, have faith, and pray for the best.
Devorah Small-Teyer, M.S.W., A.C.S.W.
Director of Social Services
Joyce Eisenberg Keefer Medical Center