Los Angeles Jewish Home's Blog
Friday, August 15, 2014
Walk of Ages XV: Are You Ready?

Each year the Walk of Ages is attended by
hundreds of Home supporters of all ages. There are families and friends of our
residents, donors, employees and their friends and families, babies in carriages
and dogs on leashes. Some run, some jog, some walk … or do their own special
combination. The goal is simple: cross the finish line and have fun doing
Registration fees for individuals are $35 for adults (13-79), $18
for children (0-12), and free for super seniors (80+). Teams of 10 or more are
encouraged to raise or donate $1,000 per team, in addition to individual
registration fees. Pre-race registration is open until Friday, September 12th at
1:00 PM. After deadline, all participants must register at the event.
There will be lots of free food and great giveaway items. So lace up your
running or walking shoes, sneakers or tennis shoes, and come on out and have a
great time for a great cause! Our residents will really appreciate it!
For more information about the Jewish Home's Walk of Ages XV, please visit our
website at
www.walkofages.kintera.org or contact Denise Horowitz at (818) 774-3324 or