Los Angeles Jewish Home's Blog
Monday, September 28, 2015
Generation to Generation Society: Making Waves in the Valley
Delving into cutting edge topics like "How Memory Works in the Brain and How To Make It Work Better, Longer" with internationally recognized speakers, like Dr. Marc Milstein, the Jewish Home's Generation to Generation (G2G) Society offers stimulating gatherings for its members in gratitude for their significant philanthropic investment in the Jewish Home.
On Sunday evening, September 20, Dr. Milstein will be speaking on this topic to our members and guests who might have an interest in learning more about the Generation to Generation Society and perhaps becoming a member. The event will take place in a private home in Encino.
"We're building a community of Valley donors for now and into the future. We enjoy each other's company and like to think we are making a difference in the lives of our Jewish Home's seniors and in the community we serve", says Arthur A. Greenberg, G2G Chair.
Earlier in the summer the group became tourists in their own city by enjoying a docent-led architectural tour of downtown Los Angeles, a tasting of sumptuous Italian wines and a delicious dinner at Drago Centro. The event entitled "An Evening of Good Food & Gratitude", will be an annual complimentary event for members, each year with its own unique twist.
Founded earlier this year, the Generation to Generation Society is the premiere philanthropic venue for Valley based donors who contribute $5,000 or more annually to the Jewish Home through The Executives support group. The Generation to Generation Society honors these individuals, who are committed to helping fulfill the promise to care for our community's precious seniors, in body, mind and spirit.
With 38 founding member households and growing, it is just beginning and welcomes your involvement and participation. For more information on membership or to join us on September 20, contact Lesley Plachta at Lesley.Plachta@jha.org or (818) 774-3282.