Los Angeles Jewish Home's Blog

G•Z Residents Delight in Specialty Dessert Centerpieces

G•Z Residents Delight in Specialty  Dessert CenterpiecesThe Los Angeles Jewish Home takes great pride in the unique dining experience we provide for our residents. With beautiful table settings, individualized pre-ordered dishes, and courses served one by one, resident dining at the Jewish Home is comparable to the experience one would have in a fine restaurant. Providing the same exceptional dining experience to those with Alzheimer's disease and age-related dementia can be especially challenging. Goldenberg•Ziman Special Care Center clinical manager Anne LaClair explains, "The Jewish Home staff is constantly striving to improve the living situations of all our residents. While going through the various stages of Alzheimer's and dementia, the way in which seniors smell, taste, and recognize food can significantly change. Because of this, some of the biggest challenges we face are poor appetite and weight loss."

To address this challenge, department leaders strategized best practices for the nourishment of our residents. It was then they realized there was a simple solution to the dilemma they faced: edible centerpieces. EV administrator Douglas Tucker speaks fondly of the inspired moment. "One day we were brain storming and all of a sudden a light bulb went off. By adding appetizing edible centerpieces to each table we could accomplish two goals: we enhance our restaurant-style dining experience while inspiring residents to get excited about food."

Pleased with the new menu additions, activities team leader Amanda Powell remarked, "It's great residents have the option to choose from fresh Challah, mouth-watering cupcakes, attractive fruit arrangements, and a striking assortment of colorful Jell-O flowers each week." She explains, "We rotate these pieces of edible artwork in order to provide our residents with the constant visual stimulation they need to catch their attention and whet their appetites. So far, we are happy with the reception the new centerpieces have received and look forward to adding more out-of-the-ordinary desserts to our menu."