Los Angeles Jewish Home's Blog
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Seniors Discuss the Many Ways We Love
“We can live without religion and meditation, but
we cannot survive without human affection.”
-Dalai Lama
In a recent conversation with activities director Caryl
Geiger, the Home’s seniors discussed the many ways people show affection. “Just
like a plant needs nutrient rich soil to grow, healthy relationships need acts
of affection in order to develop.” Caryl explained, “As human beings, it is
essential for us to have contact with others in order to survive. Affection is
a very special kind of social interaction that can nourish this need.”
Showing affection makes both the giver and the receiver feel
great and it helps us build better relationships. While there are numerous ways
we can show others we care for them, there are 5 distinct categories all signs
of affection fall into:
- Affirmation – Saying things like “You did well” or “That was so nice of you”
- Acts of Service – Helping with a task or chore
- Giving Gifts – Notes, chocolate bars, tickets to a game or show, jewelry
- Quality Time – Listening or giving feedback
- Physical Touch – Giving a squeeze or a rub on the shoulder, arm, or hand
Different people show affection in different ways. Some
people don’t like being touched or embraced. Other people have a hard time
carrying on intimate conversations. There’s no way to know what each individual
prefers without getting to know them and taking the time to try the different
love languages.
One senior shared her history of receiving affection, “When
I met my fiancé’s parents for the first time I was very shocked the way his
family showed me affection. They hugged me and kissed me whenever we met. These
acts of affection were welcome and appreciated, but because my parents were
never demonstrative with me it was truly a shock for me to experience this
hands-on kind of love.”
“Did those signs of physical affection make you feel special
or loved?” Caryl asked.
The resident responded, “Of course! His family really took
an interest in me and went out of their way to make me feel welcome and like a
part of their family. They created an environment of love and happiness that I
ended up modeling my relationship with my husband on.”
Another resident mentioned how he shows affection every day.
“Whenever I’m walking around campus, I’m happy to “Hello, how are you?” to the
people I pass in the walkways. I’ll always pay special attention to the people
who’ve been sick and missing from our usual daily activ
ities. It shows people I’m
aware of what’s going on around me and that I’m compassionate about what other
people are going through.”
When you go the extra mile to show people you
care, you’re creating an environment where others are more comfortable,
happier, and even willing to return the favor. So share your smiles and take an
interest in those around you. Affection goes a long way.