Los Angeles Jewish Home's Blog
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Sending Love and Supplies to Children in Need

On a
recent August afternoon, the Zuckerman Board Room at Eisenberg Village (EV) was
bustling with busy hands and happy hearts.
About thirty-five EV residents volunteered their time to be part of an
international mitzvah to benefit poor Ethiopian Jewish school children in
Haifa, Israel.
initiative of the Association of Jewish Aging Services (AJAS), Project Avodah,
or serving God, is a global effort, partnering AJAS member communities, such as
the Los Angeles Jewish Home, with an organization in Haifa. AJAS secured funding to purchase 360
backpacks for the children. The Home
stepped up to guarantee 100 of the backpacks would be filled with everything
needed to start the school year, including a Jewish calendar, notebook
dividers, glue, erasers, scissors, markers, crayons, pencils and pens, zippered
pencil cases, pencil sharpeners, small calculators, book covers and name tags.
And the
residents? They rolled up their sleeves
and got to work. “We have a mitzvah
assembly line going,” exclaimed Rabbi Karen Bender, the Home’s director of
spiritual life. And so it was, with each
person adding their particular item, such a box of colorful markers, to the
backpack and passing it on to the next person to add their item. At the end of the line, each backpack was
filled with school supplies… and lots of love.
“This is
a beautiful thing to do,” said resident Muriel Drucker, “and I’m so happy to be
a part of this project.” Myrtle Feenberg
expressed her joy in “reaching out across the generations to help young
kids.” Rhoda Newman and Joyce Horowitz
talked about how they “love volunteering and are happy to do this.”
sentiments were echoed by Rabbi Bender, who spoke of the tradition of tzedakah, or charity. “From a Jewish point of view, even someone
who is a recipient of tzedakah should
give tzedakah. This is a wonderful opportunity for our
residents to bring cheer to others, and it gives them a sense of purpose and
connection. It’s good for the spiritual
health of our residents.”
Thank you
to the residents of the Jewish Home for reaching out to the children of Israel
with love and compassion.